Play Make Write Think


I have worn the same white sweatshirt every day of quarantine, so I knew it had to be incorporated into my camouflage. I concealed myself with a beige scarf and white bag to blend in. Then, I stood inside my white closet and revealed myself amidst the white background, just like a ghost. Boo!

Here is my movie!

Getting Bored of Home…

These past few days and weeks (maybe even months who knows) have been pretty uneventful. All I do is sit around with my family, do work, play video games, and sleep. Every day. Same schedule. So, I saw my suitcase laying around and decided I’d make my camouflage side quest a bit metaphorical. Sometimes I dream about purchasing the first flight I see, no matter where to, and gloriously leaving my house to actually do something interesting. I do know, though, that there are people who have it worse than me, so I’m also trying to make the best out of my quarantine experience. I hope you enjoy my video.

Can you Find Me?

I accidentally recorded this in portrait mode instead of landscape because I hadn’t checked the side quest yet, but I think I was able to better capture the scene I am hidden in. My dogs were very enthusiastic to be involved in my camouflage journey.

Sidequest 10: Hat Attack

For my third hometasking assignment, I turned into a baseball cap! In my front closet my family keeps all our outdoor clothing including winter gloves, ski caps, and hats. On both doors, a cap rack hangs down which has all the caps my dad collects from the golf tournaments he attends and the sponsorships he gets for his local radio show. I took the bottom cap off of the shelf and curled up into a ball so only the cap would be shown initially. My dad started from the top of the rack and lowered the camera until it got to me where I revealed myself. This was the first time I got help from my dad on one of these assignments and he was intrigued by the concept of these hometasks to say the least. He got really into it and given how creative he is he was able to help my plan come to fruition. The challenge of figuring out an idea to do made this the most fun hometask yet because it felt rewarding to watch the final product.

Here… I’m here…

My first plan and second plan have failed. This was my third plan. This video uses a somewhat similar idea from the first video. If you can find me in the first try, you should be a detective. The challenge I faced for this task was that I failed my other plans, so it actually took me three hours to do this assignment, excluding the time I spent to think about the idea. For this time, I did not see videos on twitter, so someone might have already uploaded a similar one. Again, I appreciate my mother for taking a video and giving me the idea of using the technology again.

Side quest 9: Bathroom Night-Out Decoration

This is a relatively challenging task for me, since I am living on Claremont with pretty much only food and utilities and nothing fancy. I knew from hearing this project that I will not be able to use the traditional classy and fancy approach for my night out. When I looked into my room and fridge (I just got grocery delivery today), I figured showing my food and supplies can be a great idea for making this bathroom unique and fit this special time period. I have a lot of sanitation products and food to keep myself as safe as possible against the spread of coronavirus. In editing this video, I think an intro to my idea would be better than simply showing the video clip. It took me sometime to figure out how to record audio alone and add that before the video. Moving all the things into the bathroom is a lot of work, it took me around 20 minutes before it is ready for shooting. Overall, it is a fun experience and get me moving inside the house.

Welcome to the Quaranclub

For my bathroom nightclub, I took a creative spin on it by incorporating some common coronavirus qualms into the storyline. I wrote a sign on the door that said “Welcome to the Coronaclub” and handed the bouncer my ID. However, he did not accept it and pushed me out of the way so I came back with purell. Even though he didn’t accept my ID, he still let me into the nightclub in exchange for a squirt of coveted purell. Once I entered, the music was blaring and I handed the bartender cash to buy a drink. He did not accept the cash and only accepted toilet paper! This video shows what it would be like to attend a nightclub in today’s world. People would not accept money but only scarce items. This bathroom remodel was a lot of fun to create, and I really enjoyed finding various items in my home to incorporate that I never thought would fit in with the theme. For instance, I used blue and yellow wires as decorations as well as a red exercise band. 

Here is a link to my video!
