Play Make Write Think

Need an exercise because of self-quarantine?

This hometasking was very difficult for me. I could not think of any creative idea. Therefore, instead of being creative, I tried to show something that you can do to help stay healthy during self-quarantine. Let’s jump rope together. I recommend tying two pairs of trousers since only a pair of trousers was too short for me.

Gamefulness in Physical Distancing

Rachel Kippen writes a column for the Santa Cruz Sentinel about gamefulness in the time of covid and the work of Jane McGonigal, “How I learned to stop worrying and love the internet“:

When I lived in San Francisco in my twenties I was gifted a pair of tickets to see Dr. Jane McGonigal in conversation at the Herbst Theater. McGonigal is a Ph.D. game designer and author who embraces technology as a tool to create positive connections among physically disconnected people, oftentimes towards a beneficial societal goal such as reducing oil consumption or improving mental health.


But what I’ve seen of late is a society pivot, in a flash, working collectively towards the “epic win” of not harming the lives of those we hold so dear.[…] Adults, kids, and organizations across the Monterey Bay region are essentially playing massive games together, all day, every day from a distance.

I see new silver linings in the cloud. Does the virtual and distance-learning sphere increase freedoms to express our true selves and shed inhibitions? Are we more creative, humorous, sarcastic, verbose, and daring? Have we been galvanized by the ideas projected by others and then riffed off of them to further produce remarkable content, in real time? I can’t remotely begin to cite how many of my better thoughts were inspired by subconscious musings informed from exposure to virtual content. Internet avatars can give people and organizations permission to share in ways that they may never have before.

Doing laundry plus origami tutorial

It’s origami. I had a really fun time, making each little piece, from the drawers to the trousers. Of course, the trousers and drawers combo was the center piece for this side quest. And the pants do fit perfectly into the sliding drawers.

I created and posted my own tutorial down below on how to fold an origami trouser so that you guys can all learn how to extraordinarily fold paper pants during this time. Hopefully, origami will be a nice hobby for you to start with.

Plague, Inc.

In this episode, we will discuss the gaming mechanism and the real-life influence of Plague inc., a real-time strategy simulation video game. How does this game wok? What does it feel like to play Plague Inc. after the COVID-19 outbreak? Why it is so popular all over the world? The discussion closely relates to the globally concerned coronavirus problem. If you feel like this episode will cause you anxiety and stress, please skip over.



Monument Valley

In this episode, we will discuss the gaming mechanism and the real-life influence of Monument Valley and what makes that game special in comparison with other games in the market. What questions does it raise? What change they will bring to the players. The discussion is focused on what this game taught us in real life. Hope you will enjoy it!

Music Source:

Todd Baker, youtube channel link:

Obfusc, youtube channel link:

Home tasking 5: Trousers digestion

This is one of the hardest home taskings for me to think of. I was confused of what to do with my trousers and limited resources. Then I looked at my apples and think it would be cool to have a digestion process recorded. I took photos for each step and make a video to connect these photos.

Failed Pooling and Bottle Lifting

Without referring to anyone else’s hometasks, I did pooling with frozen fishball with the chopstick as the cue stick and class cups as the holes, which is basically IDENTICAL with Ruohan’s post. So I rushed other basic weight lifting exercises, and I put the pooling as the bonus scene at the end of the hometask video. At first, I thought I was going to pretend like lifting and exercising, but when actually lifting the bottles of oil, I found there is no need to act. The bottles are genuinely heavy. My arms are aching now.


This here is my home tasking 6 video. For this home task, I used my calmer, but busy dog, Sasha to capture this extraordinary moment. I turned Sasha into the coolest dog ever, using a pair of trousers (and a cool little hat to spice up the look). Her face in the video says “I HATE IT HERE”, but I promise, she loves playing dress up. I think the hat was just a little much for her in term of size and fashion…

This home tasks took a lot of effort as I said previously, Sasha is a very very busy dog. I first tried it on my evil dog, Kase, but after several bites to my hand that gave me the clear message to leave him alone, I moved on to Sasha. Although it took several treat bribing, chasing around, and funny faces, this video came out great. I mean look at her… have you ever seen a cooler dog? (I mean, maybe if I would have put sunglasses on her, it would have enhanced the look even more, but I’m trying to avoid making her into a little diva). Right after this video, she shook everything off, but you know they say: nothing lasts forever.

PS. thank you Sasha for allowing me to interrupt your sleep for this assignment!

Reflection: This home task was one of my favorite ones. Although home tasks as a whole are challenging for me as my home is undergoing renovations, it was more calm this week and actually made me laugh which I needed. I think the home tasks allows you to interpret things in a multitude of ways as they keep the tasks broad which I really like. They don’t define what “extraordinary” means– they allow you to define it yourself. They didn’t give us a specific type of trousers we needed– we got to choose it for yourself. And this flexibility is the very thing that makes the home tasks not only doable, but exciting and versatile. In a state of quarantine, this is the very thing that society needs because it allows you to explore your imagination and escape from the horrid reality that we are forced to battle throughout this pandemic.
