Play Make Write Think

Side Quest 1: Avatar

I chose to create this avatar to use as a representation of myself for English class. I used an application on my iPhone named “NBA 2K Mobile” to create my image. My favorite hobbies are watching or playing sports and playing video games. My favorite type of video games to play are sports games like “FIFA”, “NBA 2K”, and “Madden NFL.” In “NBA 2K,” there is a game mode called “MyCAREER” which allows players to create a basketball player and develop it into a legendary player. When I play this game mode, I always create my player using my name, height, weight, position, and the type of basketball player I am in real life. This makes the game much more personal and realistic. In my avatar, this is my “my player,” and I would say it looks pretty similar to me in real life. I am tall, skinny, and have short hair which is shown in this player creation.

I had difficulty finding a way to create another “my player” on a sports video game. I don’t have an XBOX here at Emory, so I had to find another way to create a player that looks just like mine. Luckily, I found an app that allows me to create one. It took some time to create the player, but I feel it was worth it to make a player that resembles me. My badge highlights my interests of basketball and video games and captures my physical attributes all in one location.

NBA 2K Mobile. 2K Sports, 2019. Vers. 2.20.457713. Apple App Store.


This avatar shows exactly what I’m stepping into: WOMANHOOD. Instead of choosing some abstract model to represent womanhood, what better to represent it than myself? No, I am not egotistical, however showing the confidence and strength in oneself is key. Womanhood is not only about becoming a woman, but also about gaining strength, wisdom, and stability within oneself. It is a time where a woman loves themselves and builds her own world. So, yes, this is my avatar…because I am a living, exemplary figure of womanhood.


I chose this image, Kirby in particular, because I found him to be cheerful with a heavy appetite, quite like mine. He is a flexible and adaptive character in absorbing his enemies/weaknesses and turning them into his power; in doing so, he aligns to how I wish to learn and grow. This 3d model of him in real-life gives a more animated outlook which portrays how I also wish to express the skills and characters I gain from theory into actual practice. Chalkduster font was used to emphasize the easygoing and adaptive nature of this image.

Some difficulties I had were trying to use the interfaces between Picmonkey and Pixlr as one required a free trial, and the other had more presets/options to elaborate on. I also tried to understand the pixels width and length as I downloaded the image and cropped it appropriately.

Image Credits: “Kirby Invades Chateau de Ranton” by Nick Silver Sides.


Updated avatar and first post

I am a car lover and the first thing comes to mind when thinking about choosing my avatar would be a car picture. As I already have lots of them in my phone, choosing one was the main task. This picture of a Lamborghini Veneno came out last week and is my current favorite. And I downloaded a photo editing app on my laptop, cropped the photo and added caption. I have worked on similar task before and it was quite straightforward. Then I made the size a bit smaller to be not too far from 512 pixels.

Posting the avatar turned out harder than I expected. I found WordPress hard to navigate. It took me about half an hour to figure out where to upload my avatar and even longer to find out how to use the tag function. But overall, I believe this experience enhanced my skills in WordPress and is rewarding when I finally realized how to make it work. The only problem I have right now is the the oversized displayed avatar. I need to figure out how to remove it from my homepage or adjust its size.


I spent a long-long time skimming through my photo library looking for a satisfying avatar for myself, longer than the time I took to build the website. There are too many aspects I want to express in one picture: music, hobbies, lifegoals, personalities, and so on. I decided that was not possible after several rounds of fetching: I’ll have to write a book to represent my whole life, so I ended up choosing one of my passions as my avatar. Equestrian is a big part of my life; it allows me to take time to forget pressure and exhaustion in my life. I’m forced to focus on my gesture, my breathing, connection with my horse and a path we are taking when I’m on the back of a horse, and I enjoy the excitement when all of my attention is focusing on just one matter. There is no room in my head for the tests I did not do well or the arguments I had with my families. I often say riding is therapeutic to me, and it has been supporting my mental and physical health in many ways.

It is also a well-structured picture to me. Iphone did a good job focusing on the main subject, the horse and me, and blur out the background, giving a sense of we are striving forward, which is what I’m hoping for in my life as well. Look forward and take big strides no matter what’s in the front.

Side Quest 2: What’s in Your Bag?

Due: 1/26

Tag: sq2

Find a relatively large empty space. Take your backpack, messenger bag, or whatever sort of bag you carry around with you regularly, empty all the contents out, and arrange them carefully so that they represent a visual snapshot of the stuff you tote around with you on a normal day. Then take a clear photo showing your bag and the stuff and upload it to your site.

Note that like the avatar or the literacy narrative, this too is a type of autobiographical composition. If you have something in your bag that is private, embarrassing, or for some other reason you don’t want it in the picture then make the editorial decision not to include it. Or vice versa: if you would like to assume a certain kind of persona then you might consider including items in your catalog that might be less than fully true.

Add some text to your post listing the items represented in your photo, preferably adding in a bit of explanatory and/or funny commentary along the way. This can be a paragraph of text or a list or whatever format seems most appropriate for you. When these sorts of posts are done by publications, like say The Verge or Timbuk2, they are often not so subtle efforts at product placement but for our purposes there is no reason for you to engage in such advertising games.

Along with the photo and your description of the items, include a paragraph reflecting on what it was like to craft a self-portrait through this photograph. How actually representative is this image of you as a person? What sorts of choices did you make in order to create the image? What was challenging about this assignment? Is representing yourself in a catalog of the stuff in your bag a type of writing? Why or why not?

My Avatar

League of Legends has been my favorite game for roughly seven years. I can confidently say that I have poured thousands, perhaps even tens of thousands, of hours into this game. The main character I play in League is Orianna, a female android who uses a robotic hovering ball to deal damage. I think it would have been a missed opportunity not to mix Orianna with the sport I have played my entire life: bowling. Although, the outcome was a little more comical than I expected it to be. I believe my badge icon shows my taste in video games as well as what has been a major facet of my life so far.

To create this image, I looked up images of Orianna cosplays, a bowling ball, and a bowling jersey on Flickr. I grabbed the background image on the League of Legends website which has a fair use policy with their images. Then, I enlisted the help of my close friend who owns photoshop. Since my technological prowess is at a similar level to that of my grandma at times, I asked them to show me some basic skills in photoshop. After cutting out the bowling ball, I replaced Orianna’s ball with that image. Then I carefully placed the cut out jersey on top of her. Lastly, I pasted the background photo.

Side Quest 1: Avatar

Due: 1/19

Tag: sq1


  • Very basic photo editing
  • Introduction to the concept of Creative Commons
  • Uploading and publishing to your new WordPress site
  • Visual images as representations of complex conceptual topics


Once you’ve created your web site, you need an image to represent yourself and/or your site for the class: an avatar. Your avatar can be whatever you want it be but try to create something that both reflects your personality and speaks to the topic for this class in some way.

Start by choosing one or more of your own photos as the basis of the avatar, drawing something yourself and scanning it, or finding one or more CC-licensed images on Flickr that you can modify. Make certain to keep a note for yourself of the URL for the photos you use if they are not your own.

Crop and otherwise edit the photo(s) in a photo editing application (like Photoshop or PicMonkey or Pixlr). You can create a layered or collage effect, if you’d like. Add your name on your badge in such a way that it’s legible — it can be your full name, just your first name, or the nickname you want to be called this semester.

Your final badge should be square and at least 512 pixels wide and high. Please make certain your badge is square so that it will fit into the design on the student sites page.


When you’re done, you’ll need to put the image two places, with an optional third:


Load the badge into your Media Library and publish it to your site in a blog post. (If adding it as a feature image means that the entire square image won’t display, then also insert the image into the post itself.)

Image showing where to add tags and a feature image

Include information and links in the post about the source(s) for images included in your badge.

Write a paragraph or two about why you chose those images, what aspects of yourself and your interests are represented in your badge, and/or what difficulties you faced in creating the badge.

Please tag your post with the tag “sq1,” plus with any additional tags that you think are appropriate.


Go into your dashboard to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Load the image as your site icon.


If you do not already have a gravatar, create a gravatar account and load your avatar there. From then on, your avatar will show up as your picture when you leave comments here and on other students’ sites.
