Play Make Write Think


This is my sporting arena for hometask 4. I know the first question you might ask is… what exactly is going on? Here, THE COWBOYS (my favorite team by the way, and if you come for them…you’re probably just a hater…or a giant’s fan), wins the Super Bowl. This is me at the stadium where running back Ryan Williams scores a touchdown for the team…but this time… the touchdown is not just for points. It wins the Super Bowl for the Dallas Cowboys for the first time in (I believe sadly 24) years. So, yes, at the end… I am ecstatic.

Yes, of course my favorite NFL team is highly unlikely to win the Super Bowl any time soon (they have to find their passion and confidence again because the haters have caused them to lose their spirit), but nobody ever said the home tasks had to be realistic… did they? So I used this opportunity to allow the Cowboys to make me proud (which they hardly ever do unfortunately, but faith remains). And they did just that by winning the Super Bowl. AND YES… I AM THE ONLY ONE CHEERING BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS ARENA ARE NON-COWBOY FANS AND THUS, DOES NOT EXIST. GO DALLAS!!!

Reflection: I wouldn’t say that the home tasks themselves are difficult to do. I mean, yes, they can cause challenges for people who lack physical creativity, like myself. But, they are not hard. I will say the hardest thing is the boundaries that the home tasks causes me to push. For example, my current home is being fixed, so I have to travel to my godmother’s house to get decent videos in. While it is frustrating, it is also teaching me to be less lazy and learn to find loopholes rather than excuses to accomplish the tasks. It is also challenging me to think outside of the box, expanding my horizon as to what I pre-set as my limited creativity. So, thank you home tasks??!

Chess: The Game of Strategy

In this podcast episode, Will, Giovanni, and Sadie take a deep dive into the game of Chess–the setup, rules, strategies, and applications to everyday life.  How does Chess enhance our ability to think a few steps ahead and maintain a clear end goal? How can we take effective action to succeed in a Chess game? Hopefully after listening, you will come away with a new outlook on the importance of strategy. Sources: Music:

Keeping your head in the game

In this episode, Greg and I will be discussing the soccer video game FIFA 20. We will discuss how sports video games can simulate a real-life situation and bring people together virtually. In the midst of a global pandemic where people are socially distancing, there is no better time to discuss how e-sports compare to real-life sports and how people can stay involved in their favorite sports when they are unable to be physically played. We also examine how e-sports can fill a void in our lives and how they will continue to evolve in the future. Join us on the soccer pitch!

Producer: Michael Mariam

Assistant Producer: Greg Lawrence

Line Producer: Winslow Wanglee


Music Sources: Free Music Archive

All music by Scott Holmes in the album Corporate & Motivational Music 2:

(UN?)Spectacularly Bin Tossing

So, I attempted to throw (more like kick) a paper ball into a bin in the video linked below. Honestly, this may be one of the most unspectacular throws you have see in history, but to ME, this is AWESOME.. SUPERB. For someone who lacks basic aim, I am surprised that this even took me an hour to make. I am very out of breath, but I mean, we have to do what we have to do.

This home tasking stuff seems easy and simple, but for me they have posed some of the hardest challenges. It requires you to have physical creativity, which I completely suck at. But, it is requiring me to not only practice a malleable mindset, but be ok with failing. Originally, I was going to throw the ball in the air and then kick it into the bin. But I quickly realized that it was a little too ambitious for me after the ball landed down the other flight of stairs every time. So, be easy on me because I TRIED.

Video Link:

Hometask #3: Camouflage

This assignment was one of the more difficult side quests in my opinion. I kept walking up and down my house trying to come up with creative camouflage ideas, but it was pretty challenging. Until I saw this mound of sheets, pillows, and clothes all piled up on our couch…It was perfect 🙂 I don’t know if this was necessarily camouflage(or just me hiding under a bunch of junk), but here are my pictures are below:

Podcast Reflection: Virtual Soccer Practice

I was the producer on my podcast titled “keeping your head in the game.” My assistant producer Greg and I took a deep dive into EA Sports’ soccer video game FIFA 20. We each played and paid attention to the different features and techniques we used. We decided it was best to focus on FIFA 20 as a whole rather than focusing on one game mode. When I was the assistant producer of Winslow’s podcast, we each made different arguments and asked each other questions throughout to make it more engaging. I thought this worked well, so I made my episode similar by having us ask questions and going in-depth about our personal experiences.

Our main goals going into the episode were to talk about how sports video games compare to playing sports in real life, the feelings they bring to people, and how they fill a void during the COVID-19 outbreak. Since people can’t be together, we discussed how sports video games like FIFA can help athletes improve their skills, knowledge, and strategies when they are able to play sports in real life again. Finally, we briefly discussed how social distancing can help e-sports grow today and in the future.

I was happy with the way the episode flowed and how our points came across. However, this episode was much more challenging to record than my first one was because we couldn’t record in person. When together, it’s much easier to build off someone else’s points and get a feel for the energy which is crucial. At home, it’s harder to connect personally and coordinate different segments. One thing I would’ve liked to go more in depth about in the episode was how FIFA has many built in-features to give players feedback on what they are doing well and what they should work on. This could be very helpful for coaches and players in trying to teach their players how to translate video game performance to actual games.

Our episode focused on creativity and communication. During challenging times, you must get creative and by playing video games you can get a similar feel to playing in person. The coronavirus is also forcing people to feel isolated, so playing with teammates and friends can be a great method of communication and way to grow your intellect. I saw an improvement in my confidence in my public speaking skills in this episode. I am a soft-spoken guy, so it was exciting to hear myself speak passionately about something I enjoy playing. I believe this reflects my progression as a learner because I can breakdown rhetorical situations and incorporate my opinions into arguments better.

For future episodes, I would recommend adding plenty of personal anecdotes as they make things easier to talk about. I believe that all strategies and preparation were effective for this podcast. I am proud of how my episode turned out given the circumstances and am excited to listen other people’s future episodes!

Just kidding!

I made this simple model of a bowling alley. An orange represents a ball and plastic cups represent pins. Since the island itself is not as long as the normal bowling alley and I used six cups instead of ten cups, getting a strike should be pretty easy. I hope you like my video because I actually like it more than previous ones. Here is my video:

Vote for best camouflage















Hometasking 3

