Play Make Write Think

DO Exercise!

I have gained SO MANY weight during the quarantine! There are not many things for me to do every day. The only thing other than school works for me to think about is to eat. Typing this short paragraph, I cannot help myself stop getting another cup of yogurt and self-lying that I will not get fat because of this little cup of yogurt. Therefore, I used the trousers as a jumping-rope. I would like to make this hometask, doing the most extraordinary with a pair of trousers, to remind myself: IT’S TIME TO DO EXERCISE AND LOSS WEIGHT!

Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Fruit Bowl

If you search “Iconic movie moments”, scenes from the Great Gatsby, Good Will Hunting, the Matrix, the Godfather, and many more show up. As I aimlessly procrastinated through the scholarly consideration of clips–yes I was watching youtube– one caught my eye. Or, perhaps, my treasure-eye. #SQ13 #HT6

My Video is attached here.

The Lion King: Quarantine Edition

When I first saw this side quest, I was sitting in bed next to my quarantine best friend: my life sized bear toy. I was instantly inspired to recreate one of the most iconic scenes in film history. I hope all of you recognize the scene and enjoy watching my rendition of it. Here’s my video:

Sidequest 13: Rocky Road

The training montage from the film Rocky (1976) is the most iconic movie scene in sports movies in my opinion. My backyard is laid out perfectly to recreate this scene, so I chose it to recreate for my hometask. I wrapped my hands in paper towels in place of white boxing gloves and put my hood up like Rocky Balboa. I ran across my backyard to an awkward set of steps that we have. There’s only four steps, but there’s a lot of room between each step like there are at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I jogged up the steps and did a celebration fist pump, just like Rocky did. Hopefully people will soon be able to recreate this scene at the sight it was filmed instead of at home!

Trouser Pull-up Failed

The inspiration of this idea came from the pull-up handles that my cousin installed on the walk way, which I was never able to reach. I thought using trousers to function as extensions to the handles can benefit the shorter human on the earth, but clearly I underestimated the power of gravity.

Shout out to my cousin who had to act short to be in both parts of the video since I am incapable of doing a single push up no matter under what kind of circumstances.

Hometask #5: stay protected!

This assignment tasked us to create or do the most extraordinary thing with a pair of trousers. For my idea, I chose to create something that’s not necessarily the most “extraordinary”, but extremely practical and useful for us amidst this global crisis: a face mask. I grabbed some thin, cotton pants from my closet and made a new face mask following instructions posted on the CDC website. I hope you find this helpful, especially since it feels like it’s nearly impossible to get a mask these days.

Step 1: grab some pants
Step 3: Fold each side in and loop the rubber bands onto your ears to wear(folded side towards your face).

A video of the finished product — and I promise it works!

(here is a link if the embedded video doesn’t work:

The CDC’s instructional picture that I used –

Make-your-own Mannequin

When thinking about how to do something spectacular with a pair of trousers, nothing that sounded especially spectacular popped into my mind. But then I had another thought: What if the spectacular aspect is making the trousers appear in their normal setting, but through a different medium? I walked around my apartment, searching for ways to portray my trousers, when I came across my brother’s crutches. I put the crutches into the legs of the pants, added a white blouse, a tie, and a jacket, and topped it off with a cap and sunglasses. Although it’s apparent there isn’t a physical human inside the pants, they still look seemingly normal-and that’s the spectacular part! I created a new normal. I added some build-up music from the Rocky Balboa theme song to create dramatic effect. Here, you can watch my spectacular creation!


Using tupperware as a goals, I decided to turn my kitchen into a soccer/tennis arena. I used a tennis racket to hit some of my dog’s balls into my makeshift goals… and I actually scored a few! I’ll need to work on my aim and maybe finding some sturdier goals, but I am definitely making strides to becomes the player I’ve always hoped to be! Here you can watch my video. Enjoy!
