Play Make Write Think

SQ9: yOuR tIMe StArTS noW!

Prior to watching the video, it’s important to qualify my decision to post this. Though I often blur the lines of what is acceptable in a classroom setting, I’m genuinely asking to please let me know if the content is inappropriate or upsets you as a viewer or teacher.

Despite being a stereotypical urban location in a large city, Oakland’s culture and nightlife is an acquired taste. Transitioning from “the Town’s” sideshows to a prominence of greek life, I’ve experienced a significant adjustment period. Often, as I wasted away in a fraternity or local (18+, of course) nightclub in Atlanta, I looked back to the night-out-experience I yearned for from high-school: My video is attached here.

Thanks to my mother for helping. Plus my cat, I suppose. #SQ9 #HT2

A Movie Night Out With Live Background Music

This home-tasking assignment was completed in a collaborative form by me and Kathy, since we live together, had similar thoughts for this assignment, and thought that we can produce a better result cooperatively than individually, while both putting in equal amount of effort. We both thought that movie night is a preferable and reasonable choice. We also decided to incorporate instruments at my house into this assignment, even though none of us are capable of playing them (why do I even have them?).

Greatly inspired by the Titanic emotional flute video , I decided to perform in a similar way. Sadly, even though I do not know how to play the instrument, I still could not mimic the effect that the original performer brings (I very much admire him), therefore, we just tried to add a twist to the performance and make it sound lively and relaxing. We practiced for one day, so the result is full of flaws (on my part), sorry for all the music majors out there.

Lastly, I would like to thank my family for taking out batteries from their remotes and clocks for the light strings, gathering all the candles and lamps in the house, and my cousin for his spectacular acting style as an audience with the virtual coke and popcorns. The link to the video is attached here, I hope you guys enjoy it.

Tennis Trick Shot

Here’s a link to my shot:

I decided I wanted to do some sort of trick shot with a tennis racket, because I have plenty of rackets since I used to play tennis on a regular basis. At first I tried to hit it off walls, the ceiling, or a fan, but after trying a few times I realized that a paper ball does not bounce much at all, so I decided to scrap the extra steps and just hit the paper straight in from a distance. Thankfully this distracted me a bit from the boredom of my quarantine.

Vote for the Most Spectacular Throw

Who made the most spectacular throw? Vote using the poll below. Check the box next to the three entries that you believe are the most spectacular. Please do not vote for your own entry.

You have until Sunday at noon to vote. Results will be announced soon after that.

Hometask 1

Once you've voted, begin planning for the next task.

Hometask #1: Slingshot “paper toss”

For this Hometask assignment, I chose to slingshot a piece of paper into a bin. I was having some difficulty coming up with “spectacular throw” ideas, until I saw this basic slingshot lying around my house — my brother and I used to play with it when we were younger, so it’s a little old and worn-down; but it worked! I’m not sure if this was particularly spectacular, but it definitely took me a bit to finally get it into the trash can. I made it in on my first practice attempt, but of course I wasn’t recording.

Yoga Throw

My throw is spectacular because I swiftly incorporated it into my yoga practice. During quarantine, I’ve taken up yoga, which has helped me calm down amidst the chaos happening in the world. Watching my peers’ throws, I noticed a pattern of students taking very drastic measures to throw the piece of paper into a trash bin. I wanted to find a way to throw that fit right into my daily routine. While many of the other throws are creative, my throw is spectacular because I demonstrate how small tasks can be incorporated into every aspect of daily life. Quarantining has forced us all to help out more around the house, which includes taking out the trash more often. While many people might complain about taking out the trash more often, my throw illustrates how people can easily incorporate these chores into their lifestyle without it disrupting their flow of life. 

Link to video:

SQ8: Banjo-Ball

Link to my shot.

The contest of the three-time defensive player of the year nominee (two time winner), Banjo Knight, was of no impact for the looping shot. Despite starting at a low point, the shooter still created enough space to get his shot off unhindered, arcing beautifully into the bin. This highlight encapsulated Oakland FC’s first win on their packed schedule, with their next fixture coming soon.

We will follow and document their progress throughout their indoor season. You might want to get your brooms out, a sweep is incoming!

#hometasking #sq8

It Struggled

I tried to throw paper balls into the bin spectacularly, but it kept steering off. So I decided to choreograph a dance, as Clairmont Tower doesn’t allow hazardous behavior. At the end of my little dance, just as I approached the bin, my piece of paper started resisting its fate. It melted into my skin, and a force out of nowhere shot into my arm. I tumbled back. Amidst shock and fear I forced the piece of paper to its destiny again. It wiggled and kicked and cursed, but I was more determined. I’d fall into the bin alongside just to rid the world of this evil piece of paper.

Not a word above tells the truth. I have just been staying indoor doing biology and chemistry and German homework for too long. It really isn’t a spectacular throw compared to my peers’, but I forsook my sanity for it.

Anyone playing Animal Crossing?

We got Animal Crossing for my partner’s Nintendo Switch a few days ago and the whole family has been taking turns building up our little island paradise since then. My younger daughter keeps pronouncing that it’s the best way to distract herself with being trapped in quarantine. I’m seeing a lot of friends on my social media feeds also obsessing about the game right now.

Are any of you playing? What are your thoughts on the game? Interested in looking at it for a podcast episode?

A Soloist’s Secret

I made this throw simply to poke fun at the many solo musicians. Have you ever wondered how they could memorize long pieces of music? Well, this is the quick and easy method that many soloists use; clearly, hide the sheet of music near your instrument as you play and dispose of it once no one is looking. Those clamors of genius musicality can only mean one thing right? During this quarantine, I came across this idea after a quick session of violin practice. I also noticed there were not many videos with instruments involved, so I thought it was interesting to play a quick piece. I say this is spectacular in some silly irony. Brahms and Paganini would laugh right about now with this ultra-super technique.
