Play Make Write Think

Make-your-own Mannequin

When thinking about how to do something spectacular with a pair of trousers, nothing that sounded especially spectacular popped into my mind. But then I had another thought: What if the spectacular aspect is making the trousers appear in their normal setting, but through a different medium? I walked around my apartment, searching for ways to portray my trousers, when I came across my brother’s crutches. I put the crutches into the legs of the pants, added a white blouse, a tie, and a jacket, and topped it off with a cap and sunglasses. Although it’s apparent there isn’t a physical human inside the pants, they still look seemingly normal-and that’s the spectacular part! I created a new normal. I added some build-up music from the Rocky Balboa theme song to create dramatic effect. Here, you can watch my spectacular creation!


Using tupperware as a goals, I decided to turn my kitchen into a soccer/tennis arena. I used a tennis racket to hit some of my dog’s balls into my makeshift goals… and I actually scored a few! I’ll need to work on my aim and maybe finding some sturdier goals, but I am definitely making strides to becomes the player I’ve always hoped to be! Here you can watch my video. Enjoy!

“Most Extraordinary Thing”

I hope my embedded video works!

I love that fact that inspirations just come out of no where, randomly. What is the most “extraordinary thing” in the world? To me, it’s time.

I always wanted to do a time-lapse video of a corner of a street or out in the woods. I couldn’t position my camera from the same spot every time I take the picture, so it isn’t an ideal time lapse video. But I think it makes the point. Plus it was fun taking a picture once an hour, which made me realized how an hour can be so short or long depends on what I have been doing over the hour.

Sound On

Here’s to Silent Hill 2. Don’t kill your wife, or you will be haunted.

As I took my pants and threw it around, the monsters from Silent Hill 2 came to my mind. I tried to make the video look scary, but the actual scary part was me filming myself. After all, I had to assemble a six-feet tall structure to place my mini pad onto, while I’m a lot shorter than that. The random noise was a result of me probing around iMovie.


For my extraordinary idea of what to do with trousers, I decided to see how many I could fit on myself before cutting off the blood circulation to my feet. I used the plethora of pants at my disposal: I started with shorts, then skinny jeans, then regular jeans, then khakis (buttons stopped working at this point), then absurdly large dress pants that could never fit me, then some very stretchable sweatpants. How did these six pants look on my skinny legs? Observe with the pictures below.

P.S. The hardest part was getting those pants off! I almost overheated in them.

Improvised minigolf

In order to make my kitchen into a sporting arena, I took my dad’s golf driver (decidedly not a putter, as I couldn’t find it) and a golf ball. I decided to also use a cup in place of a regular hole because I don’t have a putting set – I’ve only played golf (real golf, not minigolf) once or twice in my life. The setup worked out pretty well except for the fact that the ball kept rolling out of the cup after I got it in. I got it in a couple times, but alas, I couldn’t make it stay – ’twas the nature of the cup. Here’s the result:

The Jouch

When I saw the prompt for this task I had flashbacks to a Jenna Marbles video where she tried to make a chair out of blue jeans based off of a 5-minute crafts guide. Instead of sewing, stuffing, and ruining 4 pairs of jeans, I just stuffed them with pillows, blankets, and random bits of clothing. Originally I was going to set up the pants in a corner to imitate the source material but I found out that was NOT going to happen without any sewing happening. And thus, the Jouch was born. It can serve as a regular chair, a couch to lay on, or even a big spoon for when quarantine gets the best of you (just pull the sleeves over you and hug ‘em).

The original 5-minute crafts video

Podcast Reflection 2:Chess

This podcast’s development process was unorthodox due to adjusting to remote collaboration. Group podcasts are inherently a group effort with constant communication and meeting; however, due to the situation, our opportunities to meet and speak face-to-face were nonexistent. We problem solved and found that the most effective way to produce a coherent podcast despite our geological differences was to divvy up the work more. Rather than multiple people working on a script, editing, and working separately on the same task, we found it easier to allocate responsibilities. With the most experience playing and studying Chess, I managed the brainstorming and script writing. Sadie took in the rough draft and edited, brainstormed, and finalized the script for all of us to record our lines separately. Giovanni, the tech-genius himself, took in all the voice memos and produced the final project through careful editing, leveling, and clipping. Throughout the process, we communicated via FaceTime and texts to explain and let each other know about executive decisions.

Primarily, we really wanted to tell a understandable explanation of a complex game while demonstrating the intense probing players complete during a game. Through lengthy, the description of the board and how certain pieces move was necessary for the analysis portion. To reconcile the monologging, I tried to spice up the script with different pop-culture references to keep the audience engaged. Through citing musicians Bob Dylan, Taylor Swift, and Drake, then cinematic events such as Avengers Endgame and Harry Potter, we wanted to reach as broad a group as possible. Obviously we recognize the listeners are likely in our class, but we still believe the change in tempo and voices was an effective hook. Next time, we aim to cut down on the excessive explanation in order to leave more room for analysis and prose.

Despite the challenges we faced with our spacial restrictions, I am super proud of this podcast. The group collaborated and responded to timing-issues with grace; for example, despite not being able to find a unanimous time to speak as a group, we collectively FaceTimed with each other at least once each day during the three-day process. Our communication was paired with understanding for the other group members. Recognizing that we’re all in this situation together and at the same time certainly helped us collaborate more effectively. I think we developed our group skills the most during this podcast and I’m looking forward to our third and final one!

Sidequest 12: Hangin’ in the trees

In my backyard, my family has an old and rusty tree house. Attached to the tree house is a ladder swing and for this task, I tied a pair of trousers to the tree house to create a rope swing. These trousers were sturdy enough to swing on and film this hometask, but it would probably be wiser to buy an actual rope swing to get me to go outside and keep me busy during quarantine.
